Top 4 Investment options:

Bricks mortar = 6-12 % return
Banks savings accounts = 1-3 % return
Long term bonds = 4-5 % return
Pension annuity = 3.5 % return

Our Founder has been renting out his Buy2Let properties for over 20 years and achieved a minimum return of 15% per year, on his investment.

At FHM we see each of our properties as a PIE, which gives you the opportunity to invest as little or as much as you feel comfortable. We carefully select properties and make them Market Ready for the Rental Market on a Long-Term Rental Basis, to ensure we Maximise our Return on Investment (ROI).

Our aim is to give everybody the chance to invest in the rental market, without the risks and responsibility of buying and maintaining a Buy2Let property on your own.

By using our Shared Ownership Scheme (SOS), you too can become a property investor. For as little as £5,000, you can own a share of a Specific Buy2Let property fully managed by us. Giving you a Fixed Income, while your investment property increases in value year on year.

There is no easy path to wealth or financial freedom, Investment of any kind comes with risk.

However, creating your own success is understanding, how to identify and take advantage of market opportunities.


You Earn Money Working, You Create Wealth Investing.